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Old 02-19-2009, 10:43 AM   #15
Magnus3x is superfantastico!
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I hate certain civil disobedience here are some examples:
- When people shovel their drive ways and put the snow on the road, that is not the fuck where it goes, you pile it next to your property the best you can, all the snow plow is going to do is push that snow in from the road and on my driveway 2 houses down.

- Garbage dumpers, if I ever catch someone throwing their bags of garbage on the side of the road or in a public park or next to a Salvation army clothing drop off, I guarantee I will be charged with assault with in the intent to cause severe bodily harm.

- Non-handicap people that park in handicap spots. That goes for the elderly, if you don't have the sticker and a walker, just cuz yer about to drop dead in 6 months from old age still doesn't give you the right to take those parking spots. My old room mate was in a wheel chair and when we'd go out in her car to do some shopping, there would always be some ass hat in those spots with no stickers on the car.

- Cell phones in the movie theater.

I guess people just don't give a shit sometimes.. but they seem to cower when I get in their face about it
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