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Old 02-19-2009, 03:17 PM   #10
Quagmire should edit this
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Originally Posted by cdsmith View Post
Could be. All I know is I can't imagine living that long and not knowing what the hell TEN PACES means.

She's a bonehead.

Then there was that other younger girl who at one point said "I don't know what I'm doing here".... WTF?? I mean, you made an audition tape of yourself and sent it in, you applied to the show, thousands of others would take your spot in a heartbeat I'm sure, and you don't know why you're there? I tell you, the thread title of that other thread nailed it, why are people so stupid?

I . don't . know.
I can see them keeping her around for a long time purely for the comedic value. She's full-on batshit insane. And the great part is she knows it.

I have never missed a Survivor. its one of my sad little addictions.
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