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Old 02-25-2009, 11:02 AM   #1
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Default Major Upgrade: Instant Messenger Ads available + New Traffic targeting options

Protraffic.com team has added a new Ad type - Instant Messenger Ads. Now it can be used by any program easily. New traffic targeting options available also Protraffic.com guarantees the best prices in the industry on equal quality.

Advertisers/Buyers – use usual banners or pictures of 200X115 size in our Instant Messenger ads.

Take a look at our samples that are inbuilt automatically in our IM ads - no functions needed to create your own IM ad, just plain banners or jpgs

Webcam template

Dating template #1

Dating template #2

Here how it will look when in-built in our IM ads

ATTENTION! Now to buy this kind of ads you simply need a usual banner sized 200X15 – there is no need to integrate any additional functions, we have already done everything for you. Just get your best thumbnails and banners and we are ready to go. You can target any countries you’d like.

Protraffic.com has also come up with unique templates for Cam sites and Dating sites – 20 templates that “speak” 5 most commonly used languages – English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. So, yes, now you don't need to have banners at all to start buying Instant Mesenger Ads.

The prices start at just 2 cents per click. The best decision you can make here is to buy IM ads by niches – this way you will have maximum site reach with just one campaign.

Sellers/Publishers – use our unique Instant Messenger Ads templates in 5 languages to generate more clicks while you are selling these spots with us.

Selling IM ads has never been as easy as it is now with Protraffic.com current offer.

You can sell your IM ad spots at the same time enjoying our unique IM ads templates for dating and cam sites in 5 languages 20 templates each.


You can continue advertising the same dating or cam site you did before but with our unique recent templates you will be able to generate MORE CTR and MORE CLICKS, which translates into more profit.

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New traffic targeting options and best payouts & sold ratio

Protraffic.com has recently upgraded its targeting options for traffic buyers. You can now target sites/niches/countries by:

• Sites productivity
• Thumb sizes
• Traffic type

Protraffic.com guarantees the best prices on equal quality in the whole industry. Contact us if you have better price anywhere.

You can also sell your traffic thru Protraffic.com – we pay out 95-100% atm. Currently sold ratio is over 70% on the average seller.

hit me up on icq 178078583 or email sale|AT|protraffic.com for special deals.

p.s. our Winter Promo is still on - make a $500 deposit today and get a Golden Membership for a lifetime
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