Originally Posted by Vid Vicious
Very well said ...
I feel similar when I look back at 2008 .. It was a very hard year on me, both finance, personal and health .. I was able to take back control of my health and now I'm on the road to being in the best shape of my life! ... I took back Control of my personal life and found out I have lots ot offer, not just money and knowning the right people . but I have my heart which is worth alot. I'm very considerite of my partners feelings and very respectful. I thought I had lost things ..as my last partner also chipped away at my self esteem.
Now I'm workin on Finance .this will be way harder then I thought .. But like you said .. It's only a bridge to a better place .. And I must walk thru it to get there .. Great post Don, very inspiring
Thank you. I read this post last week when I was really busy but just reread it and was struck with a very important message. You said you took back "Control" over your life. That is such a great way to put it. I decided back in November to start going to the gym again and getting myself healthier and have found every excuse in actually doing it. I'm always saying "I have no self-control" when it comes to eating bad foods and not exercising. I'm not down on myself for having a belly, but I don't want to end up with diabetes and heart problems, so I need to take better care of myself. And your post makes total sense. By eating bad foods and not exercising you're letting others control you. You let the food industry talk you into eating unhealthy products, you let people take your time away from the gym, you let society make you feel bad about yourself so you'll buy diet products that don't work. The only way to make yourself better is to take control of your life and make it happen.
From one inspiring post to another, thank you.