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Old 03-03-2009, 10:20 PM   #26
Vid Vicious
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
Ahh come on... it's just peeeeee
until you squirt yourself (which isn't gonna happen anytime soon, unless I'm missing something) .. or your having sex with a real squirter... you'll never be convinced and scream fake.

Fake or not, it still gets people off. More and more women are learning it and loving it. Please leave it to the pros.

EC I'm mailing you a sac of female jizz .. you can chug it and get back to me on it's Pee contents.

"Female ejaculation refers to the expulsion (often powerful) of noticeable amounts of fluid from the urethra region. Report’s on composition and origin are at best questionable or inconsistent. However a majority of researchers concur that the fluid is neither urine or natural lubricant. Studies have shown that the paraurethral glands (paraurethral means near urethra) produce the same alkaline fluid has the male prostate. These glands, also called ‘’Skenes Glands’’, do not have the same structure has the male prostate. The mixing of fluid with urine while in the urethra also explains its composition. Others claim the fluid comes from the bladder and follows a different ‘’drain way’’. While others believe its just urine ejected during pelvic muscle contraction. We cannot tell if a women is urinating or ejaculating outside a medical lab. These fluids all exist trough the urethra so the visible source is the same whitch doesn’t help matters."
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