Originally Posted by DrChango
Okay, don't think I'm a dick for asking this, but do you smoke cigarettes or drink a lot of tea or coffee? I drink tons of coffee and I have to bleach my teeth periodically. White teeth might sound like a totally secondary thing, but I've got a friend who is no where near as pretty as you but she has pearly white toothpaste commercial teeth and they totally make up for the fact that she's built like a linebacker.
I use those Crest whitestrips, mostly because my chain-smoking sibling buys them and I just steal them from her, but they seem to work pretty well. I've gotten my teeth professionally bleached and didn't notice much of a difference between the two save for the cost, lol
BTW, you have nice legs. You should invest in thigh-high stockings to take maximum advantage of that 
I've been thinking of doing the laser whitening thing .. has anyone heard any thing about this?
Back to Heaven Lee ... hun .. I'm a full time professional photogrqapher and director. I've been dealing with models for the past 6+ years .. and I've been working with make up artist for the last 20 (broadcasting) .. again .. your 24 not 15 .. the white over the eyes is done ... no one in the west does that anymore ... it make s you look .. how can i say this without sounding too mean .. i know .. asleep.
take the advice from the ladies here . go to a Mac counter and let them do your make up . tell them you want a natural look not a glamour look (i take it that's why they've been makin you look like a hooker, as you elegantly put it) ... and believe me, I'm not alone when I say this .. you don't know how to apply make up to your face shape an skin tone ... no offense hun, we're just being honest here . better tell you the truth then to lie and say you look great with that make up.
Lastly ..take a second look at that digital camera .. the settings seem to be way off.