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Old 03-07-2009, 07:31 PM   #1
kevdog37 should edit this
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Default My new blog, and questions (Sweetums please check)

I just did a blog for one of the Braincash sites. First Sex Video to be exact. Here is the URL. Sweetums, the blog is what I am planning to do for Priya. I like blogs because I can be more creative and new content is easy to put out.


It has thirty posts in the archives but there seems to be something wrong with the archive system right now. I am told it should refresh tomorrow. I have it set up to add content over the course of the entire month of March and into April.

Any help would be appreciated or advice would be appreciated. I know I need to add cash links and maybe banners on the side. That is in the works.

Question, how can RSS feeds be used to enhance blog sites. Braincash has an RSS feed that contains much of the same content on my blog. The only difference being my text is unique to my blog. Is there a way to take an RSS feed and turn it into a bunch of blog posts and then include my own text to make it unique?
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