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Old 03-09-2009, 10:00 AM   #1
Evil Chris
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Default New Oxymoron: Facebook Friends

I read this short letter in the Montreal Gazette over the weekend, and thought I would share. This also applies to MySpace.

New Oxymoron: Facebook Friends
(written by Alexia Y)

Most of my friends are avid Facebook users who scrounge for as many "friends" as possible. This is purely for narcissistic pleasure. Their friends list symbolizes their "popularity".
"I saw that person cross the street, I'll add him," or "This is my classmate's second cousin, I'll add him" - that's what constitutes "friends" these days.
There's even something called a "random add" that allows strangers to go through your list of buddies and add random people to their own friends list. The horror is that these naive people accept the friend request and allow these strangers to see their complete profile, including pictures, personal events, and information.
The truth is that most people hardly ever interact with the acquaintances on their Facebook list. They're interested only in getting as many names as they can to prove their growing superficial popularity. Yes, friends indeed.

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