X Nations - View Single Post - Obama lifts the ban on federal funding for promising embryonic stem cell research
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Old 03-10-2009, 11:45 AM   #2
DrChango is the sales monkey!
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that's always been a murky subject, going back to early policies of the Vatican concerning birth control. Do we count sperm? Do we count eggs? Or do we draw the line at zygotes? Embryos? Is the independent heartbeat the cut off point of where it's no longer and collection of cells and 'officially' becomes a human in the making?

One thing I will say is that it is painfully ironic that the people who call stem-cell research murdering the unborn are also those that have no problem carpet-bombing population centers in far-off lands. More human lives have been lost in the "War on Terror" than embryos will be used in stem cell research in a comparable amount of time.
e-mail: drchango2010@gmail.com
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