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Old 03-12-2009, 10:13 AM   #4
Magnus3x is superfantastico!
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In a nutshell he will go down as the biggest scammer in history.

Madoff ran a investment firm in NYC, he had some of the most wealthiest clients from around the world mostly in the US, movie stars (kevin bacon lost more than 1/2 his savings), business tycoons and charitable organizations. He never did any trading, in business for over 10 years his statements always showed positive returns which is impossible if you actually do trades.

He basically took investors money and stole it.. lived a big a lavish life as anyone could, several mansions, Manhattan penthouse, mansion in Palm Beach, private jet.. all stolen money from his investors.
He ran this with his 2 sons who claim to have known nothing, and his wife claims the Manhattan Penthouse is hers with her own money and a reported 64 Million in savings is also her legitimately.

This scum bag was allowed to be free pending trial, during this time he was caught trying to filter money and assets like art and jewels to family members to hide from the FBI. Today he will plead guilty and probably face 150 years in prison, I hope they make him listen to a weeks worth of impact statements, as he has ruined many elderly peoples lives and lifesaving's are gone forever.
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