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Old 03-13-2009, 12:34 PM   #3
DrChango is the sales monkey!
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Originally Posted by Cyndalie View Post
1. What is your favorite animal?

2. What is the most exotic pet you've ever had or lived with?

3. Would you ever own a bird?

4. Have you ever setup and maintained a fish tank? Tell us about it!

5. Are you allergic to any animals?
1. monkeys!

2. big black emperor scorpions, like five of them (I was "arachnid-sitting")

3. I had a parakeet named Chauncey when I was five, kinda want a parrot because they are long-lived

4. I've assisted in the setup and maintenance of a fish tank...it was a pain in the posterior

5. I have "variable" cat allergies, some cats I have bad reactions to some I have next to none (I have a bengal hybrid which is effectively hypoallergenic and a big attention monster)
e-mail: drchango2010@gmail.com
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