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Old 03-15-2009, 09:30 PM   #11
painful should edit this
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I suck at the paysite game. I want to learn more about managing my own website, I was using SiteDepth for my content before, set up by the guy who built the site for me, but I hated the product. I am starting from scratch and gonna try my hand at a more ARTISTIC style of website. Something more like Suicide Girls, you know, tattooed and pierced girls. One problem I see right now is in this part of new Mexico there aren't any good looking girls, they're all nasty.

I still have a lot of contacts in Vegas, and I am trying to get out of the Air Force right now and pick up a defense contract job in San Diego. The job pays about 8 times my annual salary right now, and a good friend of mine does all the hiring. He turned me onto adultvest.com, which seems like an interesting site.

Anyway, right now I am trying to learn my software, I am getting the hang of Dreamweaver, and trying to learn to create Flash products. This is my latest attempt at a TGP submission, but it's for a site that I would have to say is really weak on content. No matter, with the new site I am building I am taking all my own content. We'll see how it goes.


Please lemme know what you think, I'm trying. I know it looks a bit boring.
The road to success is different for everyone. For me, it's in desperate need of repair.

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