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Old 03-20-2009, 01:10 PM   #28
DonMike is I like toast
You need Gay content
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I ran into a cousin from back east a few years ago who is one of the few gay cousins I have. We had been out of touch with my living in LA and I thought it would be nice to get back in touch, so I asked if he was on MySpace. He had just created an account so I told him to add me. Since I didn't use my name on MySpace I was pretty free to have all sorts of things on it, pics of me in leather at the pride parade, pics of me cavorting with our models at events, blog entries about what bdsm means to me and all the stuff that my friends already know about me. Imagine my chagrin when I decided to see what my cousin had in his MySpace page when I saw the only "friends" he had were myself, his little sister (okay, 20 is not so little but you know what I mean) and his FATHER!

The irony is that now that I'm on Facebook I have my real name and a mixture of my friends from the adult industry, my friends from the leather scene, other local friends, college friends and even one person from my high school. I never really thought these various areas of my life would converge but here you have it. I promised myself a long time ago that I would live my life open, free and without shame, but I never thought I was going to map it out quite so easily for everyone involved. LOL!
Don Mike
ICQ: 317407511
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