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Old 03-23-2009, 06:59 PM   #1
thruma is hard at work.(double meaning)
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Default Google or Yahoo?

Which do you use?
I optimize for google but oddly enough for a long time I mostly used yahoo for search.
Recently though I've been using google more and I have to say it's pretty damn good. It really seems to be getting the searches right these days.
One of the reasons I stopped using them a few years back is because the results were never accurate until you delved into page 2 or 3.

I've been doing all my searches with google for the past few days and I have my answer within the first 3 results if not the first.

One of the things that I'm finding annoying with yahoo these days is I go there with a search in mind and I get distracted by all the news and everything else they have on that front page so an hour later I do my search but hell it's an hour later.

With google there's nothing to distract, you do your search and spend your time looking at what you actually wanted to search for.
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