Originally posted by -=HUNGRYMAN=-
The industry "rule of thumb" is basically that your site is worth AT LEAST what you can prove it makes in 6 months time ... but as Mister X noted, there is still alot of risk involved.
Lets say I have a site that is making 10K a month clear ... I sell it to you for an agreed price of $75K as a turnkey site ... (affiliate program, affiliates, content, etc)
There is NO GUARANTEE WHATSOEVER that because I had the smarts, the business-sense, and whatever else it takes to operate a sucessful site, that you too will have it and be able to put it off to enjoy the same level of success ... but also there is the chance that you will be even MORE sucessful with the exact same site than I was ...
There are MANY variables in buying existing sites ...
Yep... that's what I mean about whether or not you can fit it right into your operation or not. If that's the case it's worth a lot more to you than if you have teen sites and you have to learn how to get traffic for a gay site or something like that. I think it's probably pretty easy to buy a successful site and run it straight into the ground within a couple of months if you don't have the savvy to run it.
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