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Old 09-11-2002, 01:13 AM   #7
Rox should edit this
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Location: Hell-A
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I'm probably the old woman thusfar... 40, married for nearly 7 years to a guy who's only 31 (yes, I'm a cradle-robber!). I was born in Connecticut, but have been living in Southern California for most of the past 28 years or so. Since 1995 I've lived in "the Valley," just down the street from all the major movie studios, and have worked for one of them (though never in Production, thank the gods!) for six of the past seven years, first in Post-Production (as an executive secretary; a job I will kill myself before ever taking again) and for the past almost 3 years, as a producer/media developer in the online division.

I started my "porn career" in 1996 or so, while still a secretary, because I'd learned HTML and happened to have a friend who was a porn star. I built her a site and leased someone else's content for my members area and hardly made a dime for a couple of years. She retired, so there was really no new content to be had, and in a cataclysm in early '98, my host had a server crash and lost the entire site including every bit (byte?) of the content we'd scanned/gathered/created. As a double-whammy, when I tried to restore the backups on disk that I had, everything came back... except the hardcore content!

So, I tossed up a one-page "we're upgrading" page that sat there for about 8 months. By that time, I'd gotten fed up with being a secretary, and quit my job - vowing to never spend another day as "somebody's girl" unless under the threat of death. Instead, I went to school to become a Certified Network Administrator (another job that's on the list just below "jamming red-hot pokers into my ass"). It took me longer than it would normally have, because 4 weeks before the course was to end, I got so sick I needed surgery; and ended up having to finish a few months later when I'd recovered sufficiently to go back to school. I did get certified in NT & NetWare, and upon graduation, was recruited to the Online division of the studio to build websites -- which I'd already been doing long before I went to geek school!

During school and my recuperation, I met Kimmykim on the boards of a mainstream site, and she introduced me to Netpond and the other webmaster resources, and I signed up with some sponsors, built a few freesites and became a full-time pornographer. My porn sites were listed on my resume as examples of my web work, and when I went in for the interview at the studio, I made a point to ask whether my continued involvement in the adult industry would be an issue. If it was, I was prepared to tell them to piss off, because I'm not good at pretending I'm someone I'm not; and I certainly wasn't going to give up adult!

I've met lots of people at conventions, parties and whatnot, and although my job and family duties have kept me from building any more sites, the ones I have still make a little bit of money for me. No matter what though, I think I'll always be involved in the porn biz because it's where my true loyalties lie. The webmasters are some of the best people I've ever had the pleasure of hanging out with, and their knowledge and wisdom is addictive! I'm a knowledge junkie, btw.

Weird/Interesting factoids:
  • I was in a rock band in the 80s
  • I was on "Win Ben Stein's Money" -- but didn't
  • Dee Snider is my hero <<-- that's a link
  • I haven't had a lover my own age or older since I was 23
  • I've met all sorts of stars: film, tv & porn
  • I was a paid extra in one (forgettable) film and a Nickelodeon tv show
  • I remember having to set up an 8mm projector to watch "stag films" (my dad's)
  • A bisexual tv star was the first and only girl-kiss I've experienced (she accosted me!) -- it did nothing for me (I like the cock!)
  • I once had sex with a guy whose dick was as big as my forearm (ouch!)
  • I'm a Gemini, and I talk too much!

The place looks great, btw! Lots of love to EvilChris and the lovely Funbrunette... excellent job!
~ Rox ~
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