X Nations - View Single Post - Newbie here.. just made my first blog, would like some advise..
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Old 03-30-2009, 01:55 AM   #7
Rochard should edit this
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That has got to be one of the worse examples of a blog I've ever seen.

I don't mean to rip into you, but that's pretty bad.

1) First off, your on blogspot. Get off of that free shit, and get a real host.
2) Your header is horrible. It's a picture of a rooster with some text on it. It's not even properly done. It looks like an eight year old philopino kid made it in his parent's basement.
3) The pictures your using in the posts are horrible. What the fuck is that? Screen shots of video screenshots? On the blog the pictures are so small they worthless, and when I click on them they are still worthless.
4) You have no text in your posts. No one will ever see your blog because it will get any SEO traffic. Ever.
5) Twice while clicking around on your blog I got directed to other crap. Way to piss off the surfer.
6) You have links to RAR files? Why?
7) You have links to avi files? Why? Those must be fucking huge.

This is what a blog should look like.

Again, don't mean to rip into you - just offering up my suggustions.
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