In the off chance any gives a rats ass my name, like damn near every other person on the planet is Chris

27 years old will be 28 in January
Been doin this biz a little over a year, have been DJ'ing (clubs and raves) since I was 13 (got my first residency at a club when I was 13) When I'm not doing this I manage a shitty restaurant
Grew up in philly/jersey spent the 1st 22 years of my life there then I packed my shit and headed south, god knows why to New Orleans. Lived in NOLA for almost 2 years when my now ex girlfriend/fiancee/psycho bitch convinced me to move to Baton Rouge (louisiana's fine state capitol

) and have remained in this crappy frat boy filled town for almost 5 years now. Yes I'm ready to leave! Should have never left new orleans
Not married, no kids no immediate plans for any either. I spend most of my time working, anywhere from 12-20 hours a day building my empire. Have a pretty nice Webmaster Resource site, a few AVS's, Some TGP's, a Dialer and working on setting up a freehost and possibly some paysites very soon. I do SE optimization on the side as well as sell advertising for a few other sites (BBS's and stuff) A few other side projects I have goin with people that we may or may not launch as well.
Have a cat, named Olivia, I call her manoo (mah-new) she's a lap-whore so where ever "daddy" goes my little girl is there in my lap (if I'm home, I'm not one of those weirdo's who walks their cat or anything) Also have a 30 gall aquarium (forgive me canadians for not using litre's) a few redtail sharks, couple species of guaranos and some catfish.
5 tattoo's still have 2 piercings used to have a bunch more but the whole "day job" thing had other idea's for those so they're now gone. Thinking about going back to school finishing out my degree but we'll see how that goes. Hopefully won't be too long