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Old 04-06-2009, 10:47 AM   #1
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Default Lulu's Tricky @ la Tulipe in Montreal - show review

Anyone make it to the show on Friday? The audience was so chilled out, probably stoned but comon' It reminded me of my Vancouver years, the audiences needed wake up pills. First time I see a Montreal audience so quiet. I was a little embarassed. lol

The show was good but the man needs a sandwich. I couldn't stop focusing on the fact that he needs food because he'd already taken off his shirt by the beginning of song 2. check out his myspace link here. you'll see what i mean. onto the music...

The musicians are great. A lot of layered sounds coming from 5 people, that always impresses me. The woman who sings with him, may have stolen the show a few times. What an amazing voice she has; very soulful and sultry. I can't find her name .

Tricky took a little break right before the second half. maybe a sandwich? i think not. he came back on stage and was wide awake, . he rocked out and that was the show i wanted to see. (reminiscent of Living Colour, the American funk metal band)

They came back for an encore at the end which got the crowd to its feet. The last song, Tricky told the crowd he wanted to be close to as many people as possible. He put his t-shirt back on and told the crowd to get their cell phones out. From the balcony all you could see was a small circle of people moving through a crowd. This circle would pause and a either a cell or a camera to take pics. That was cool.

So all in all, it was a good show. It was a fun night out.

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