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Old 01-02-2003, 12:57 PM   #4
Machinegunkelly should edit this
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niether pot nor alcohol is dangerous when used in moderation ,

but I do think that alcohol is far deadlier when abused, than pot..

I smoke pot most days. I can fucntion , drive and remember most of the day, and I stay calm cool and collected..

alcohol makes me stupid and aggressive.. I have been drunk and stupid more times than I can remember and I dont even really drink,.. yet I smoke pot almost 24/7 and havent had a run in with the law or done anything stupid, I can drive no problem , but a few beers is a differnent story

from earlier memories. everytime I did drink , I had alot of explainin to do in the morning .. or cops are involved.. I stay away from alcohol .. it is the devil .

I had two beers on new years and was half hammered LOL
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