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Old 04-07-2009, 08:58 PM   #7
Casa Nova
Casa Nova should edit this
The Sex Appeal
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Hi guys! I still gaze the boards from time to time. I would definitely say i dropped out of the industry for a while. My work began to become a huge burden on my relationship with my girlfriend as I was beginning to shoot some content and dealing one on one with talent.

I made a judgment call to put my relationship ahead of my work and it began to obviously affect my quality of work and work habits in a negative way. Without me skirting around the subject this led to me being canned at slickcash.

I had 2 other offers on the table afterwords but decided to go another route for the sake of my relationship and to gain some skill on other areas of my life that could be useful in the future. So I took a job doing commercial renovations with some family which i currently still do.

But the creative side of me (and perverted one) all this time has still missed the industry and I knew i could do more. I got rid of the girlfriend realizing if she doesn't accept me for who i am then whats the point of being with her at all. SO more recently I've been developing my own ideas within this industry and kinda just busting my ass with working during the day and developing some sites at night (start of small obviously). No huge pipe dreams or anything just some hardwork that I hopefully will see payoff one day in the future.

So there's my full up date lol I'll try to post more when i have the time but these days time is definitely hard to come by. I've been planning to come to the next industry event north of the border so You will definitely be seeing me there & hopefully atleast one of my ventures will be ready by then so I can do some business.

By the way thanks for caring Steph, and for the compliment Chris. I love you guys, everyone on this board has been nothing but nice to me throughout my stay here. Thanks again.

ICQ: 405-009-573
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