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Old 04-08-2009, 10:21 AM   #13
lulu is lovin' life
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I remember crazy details of my dreams sometimes. Dreams are weird. Like a black bear in a t-shirt. That's a recent one. (I don't know what t-shirt said. I'm being pre-emptive, Chango will ask.)

My point is... I had a period of 1 year with a recurring theme. 1 year - is a long time. I was a "super hero"; or a spy; james bond type. basically there were boats, fast cars and i was driving them. things exploding around me. i was an action hero. i was always on the move. it wasn't as stressful as keifer sutherland's 24 but you get the idea. that was one of the years I was really sick and i wasn't too mobile. Don't need a therapist to analyze that one. Pretty wild isn't it?
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