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Old 01-02-2003, 06:22 PM   #16
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Originally posted by heqdvd
That's true Kenny B. (your avatar cracked me up!)

California. Alaska, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington state, DC, Colorado, and Maine have all passed laws bringing them closer to a viable medical marijuana solution, despite much opposition.
Canada has laws that say it's legal for someone to possess less than 30 grams for medicinal purposes. But of course it's complicated by the fact that there is still no way to legally supply to those people. There have been several cases where the government declined to prosecute the "compassion" clubs which provide a lot of it, but it still isn't legal to sell any amount to anybody. And it isn't legal for you to grow your own either. I suppose things will work themselves out eventually.
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