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Old 04-24-2009, 12:29 PM   #1
myjah is Back In The Harbor
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Lightbulb Celebrating 21 Years! PrivateCamZ owners extend $150 PPS promo thru May 7th!

In celebration of CamZCash owners 21st Wedding Anniversary, PrivateCamZ is extending their $150 PPS affiliate promo until May 7th!

As our gift to PrivateCamZ affiliates, the current $150 PPS promo will be extended an additional week! No matter how many sales you send, we're paying you $150! All PrivateCamZ affiliates still have time to get links up and get paid!

When you combine our top quality performers with our committment to affiliates and our knowledge of the webcam world, PrivateCamZ is the only place to send your webcam traffic!

Ready to get started? It's SO easy!

Login or Signup Here: www.privatecamz.com/webmasters
Create a new campaign under "Campaign Mgr"
Give your campaign a name
Pick the "$150 PPS promo" and add campaign
Add your links to all your sites!

Please contact scott@privatecamz.com or jill@privatecamz.com for questions and assistance getting setup. Affiliates should visit www.CamZCash.com to learn more about the program, sign up, and log in for promo materials.

Remember to wish the happy couple a Happy Anniversary!!!
Jill (Myjah)
CamZFeeds Sales
ICQ: 299322588
Email: jill@camzfeeds.com

Don't get left behind - Get CamZFeeds!!

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