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Old 04-27-2009, 08:28 PM   #1
mahi123 should edit this
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Default For women in relationships.

Just a few questions, things that are newer to me that I have never experienced before so I wanted to get some other mature womens input.

1) My girlfriend will not kiss me after I perform oral on her? I am willing to kiss her after she does it to me. How do all of you feel about this?

2) She also will not going down on me after we make love, unless I wash it off before hand.

3) Lastly, it isn't directly sex related but it bothers me. If any nudity is on the TV she looks away (guy or girl), she also looks away if women are dressed skimpy (ex: 2 piece bathing suits). It almost seems to me like she is a homophobe, maybe afraid if she saw this stuff she may like it? What do you guys think? Also, another pointer, to maybe help you understand her, she wears shorts and a tank top over her bathing suit cause she said she doesn't like to show skin.

thanks in advance to all of the mature replies. your help is appreciated.
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