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Old 05-06-2009, 12:13 PM   #7
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I don't know that there is a right time to get married - I know some folks that got married at 18 and are celebrating their 15th anniversary, others that got married at 30 and split a year later.

I got married after having been w/ my honey for four and half years, we were 25 - we figured it was long enough to be sure we were in the right relationship, and that we approached things the same way. All the big conversations - money, kids, where we wanted to live - were had.

It sucked when he made a complete 180 within 6 months. We stuck it out for another two years before we made the decision to part ways.

I wouldn't do it again, just 'cos for me, that piece of paper made a major difference in how we approached one another. I like that I make a conscious choice to be with my partner every day and vice versa.
Liz: Sales Babe and General Nerd
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