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Old 01-03-2003, 09:35 AM   #22
Juge should edit this
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I think either is better legal than illegal because it is regulated in some way, so that you know what you are getting when you buy it at a store.

I think pot is worse for the person smoking it than alcohol in large amounts because it fries your brain. I have many friends I could show you for proof of this. And it doesn't take too many years to accomplish this. I've been drinking for longer, and I have no problems, yet. My liver may be shot in another 20 if I continue, but that's about it.

I agree that drinks of alcohol cna make you do stupid things, whereas pot can't, but I lived on a floor of potheads before for a year or two, and I'd rather be stupid for one night than be stupid 24/7.

Also, it is much much easier to smoke a lot of pot every day, several times a day, than it is to do the same with alcohol, so you cannot compare them directly. There are a lot more people who do pot on a daily basis (even multiple times a day) than people who do the same with alcohol.

I think either in moderation is fine, though. It's just that pot heads are such fucking losers and are never going to go anywhere that I refuse to become associated as a part of that group, besides the fact that I personally like the buzz of alcohol better. On the other hand, I know many people who some would consider alcoholics that are going places in life. Drinking like a fish on the weekends and having a normal life during the week is nothing like being a burn out 7 days a week.

This is just how I see it. I feel bad for the people who believe that pot doesn't effect them, I see too many of my friends that are too fucked up for life over it, which means they are never going to do anything with themselves.
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