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Old 05-13-2009, 06:46 PM   #1
DrChango is the sales monkey!
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Default New gay feed from Plugin Feeds...with a promo

Plugin Feeds is pleased to announce the latest addition to the program, the new Super Gay Reality Feed. Like our existing straight Super Reality Feed, the Super Gay Reality Feed will pull episodes from all our most popular gay niches and will update daily. Yeah, daily.

Every day, your members will have a new update to check out. Retention is the name of the game, and updates = retention!
But wait, ladies and gentlemen, there’s more! To celebrate the launch of this new feed, we are offering quite the nifty promo, which works like this: the feed goes live on the 14th of this month…and is free until the end of the month. If you don’t put it up until the 21st, well, then you only get ten days free. You put the links up in your members area on the 30th, you get that feed for free for 24 hours. There will be no extensions for this promotion, so get on it ASAP!
e-mail: drchango2010@gmail.com
ICQ: 388847435
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