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Old 05-21-2009, 12:53 PM   #1
Cyndalie is not it.
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Default Living with a toddler

When you have a toddler....

you have to be able to dress and diaper a child while they're running away from you laughing

you become fluent in Gibberish.

you have to learn to not worry about what everyone else is thinking as your toddler throws a fit in the middle of the grocery store.

you find yourself watching cartoons and singing silly songs all day long

you cannot use the bathroom in private.

pee on the floor is a common occurrence.

your tupperware cupboard will never be organized again.

you have to understand that a quiet, awake baby is generally not a good sign!

you get to see a person forming and learning and laughing right before your eyes.

you will find yourself enjoying the little things you used to take for granted.

getting 4 hours of undisturbed sleep is a treat!!

when they wake up in the morning yelling "maamma!!!maamma!!!" and it brings a smile to your face...even if its 5:30am

nothing in your house is safe.

The word "no" looses all effective meaning!

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