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Thread: Which is worse?
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Old 01-03-2003, 02:13 PM   #25
ARiA should edit this
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Originally posted by twinkley

Anything in excess can fry your brain. Ever seen a true alcoholic? The ones that have to have alcohol with them everywhere, red nosed, watery eyed and breathe so strong you cant get within 10 feet of them? They make no sense, their brain AND Liver and fried. They cant get through the next hour, much less day without alcohol. Its horrible. It doesnt have to take years to get fried on anything - if you over-do anything - its bad for you.

You are right - its hard to compare alcohol and poit though - because they are 2 completely different substances. The end result of ABUSING anything is the same tho.


AGREED! my only reason for relating the two is that I find it incredibly ridiculous that one is legal and the other is not ... simply because I have lost a dear friend to a drunk driver, seen alcohol absolutely destroy a good life, .... and I went to jail for simple possession (a bowl pack of weed when i was 17) and I just dont get it- then when I think about it, I DO get it and it makes me angry..
but YES anything in excess is no good- with one exception......... music?
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