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Old 06-02-2009, 11:52 AM   #1
BigBrownKablooey is cavorting with glee
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Default Sex On A Stick?!?

In honor of National Ice Cream Week in the UK, Del Monte Superfruit Smoothies has sculpted a limited edition popsicle in the shape of Daniel Craig's nude torso. The frozen treat -- said to come in blueberry, pomegranate, and cranberry flavors and be under 100 calories each -- is the result of a poll of more than 1,000 women, the majority of whom wanted the image of Craig, emerging from the water in Casino Royale, immortalized.

Two questions: Could you actually eat this popsicle in public? (Like the model in this photo, I don't think I could face Craig -- or anyone else -- when I licked those abs.) And if America were to offer such a delicacy for what is allegedly the 25th anniversary of our National Ice Cream Month -- July! -- whose form should it take? I'd vote for sticking with Craig's 007. For starters, it's kind of awesome how his torso glistens when he begins to melt, as though he's wet from the sea. And there's less guilt when you can think of it as an iconic character instead of an actual person.

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