X Nations - View Single Post - 30 Days as a non smoker!
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Old 06-03-2009, 03:28 PM   #16
RD_Shane is editing audio
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Thanks to every one for the support.
It's been rough since we launched the webmaster programming I've had a ton of stress. Some how though, I've managed to muddle through smoke free. I can even say that I've got an exercise schedule that I am more or less able to follow and I'm starting to take off the "quit smoking weight".
There are a lot of big benefits that are awesome like being able to breath again, but there are also little silly things like my fingertips aren't slightly yellowed from smoking and I can smell things again. All very cool!

I'm still nervous about going to Cybernet, but I think I'll be able to cope as long as I don't go outside. :P
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