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Old 06-05-2009, 11:27 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by student4ever View Post
Looks help to make a first impression, but they don't count for everything by a long shot. And when it comes to looks, weight is far from a deal breaker for me. Example, I know a girl who is bearly 5' 4", usually weighs in around 180-200, but is sexy as all get out. Why? She is comfortable with who she is, smart as heck, fun personality and understands her own sensuality. If most people were to see a pic of her, their initial reaction might be plump but on the cute side. If they took the time to get to know her, they would quickly understand my opinion of her.

There are people who have tastes for all types of shapes, sizes, brains, humors, etc. Be comfortable with who you are, be yourself and the right person will come along. May take a couple tries... but... LOL

Excellent post! I really think it all has to do with confidence and how you carry yourself. I was skinny my whole life and never had much body confidence. When I had my two kids for the first time in my life I was slightly overweight and what little body confidence I had plummeted. I am back to being pretty thin now, not through any discipline or exercise but because I went through a very stressful period in my life where I was barely eating. It took A LONG time to start feeling good about myself even after losing the weight. I may be thin now but I have stretch marks and gravity and my boobs are not friends. My long winded point being even when I was thin with no stretch marks, heavier from pregnancies, and then thin again after there were girls left and right to me that never had a problem finding a guy that some would say were heavy or not that attractive and it was because of their confidence and personality. And once I accepted that I can be sexy and attractive to someone despite my "flaws" I found the man of my dreams.

Sorry so long winded with my post.

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