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Old 06-09-2009, 11:38 AM   #6
BigBrownKablooey is cavorting with glee
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14) CATWOMAN (Michelle Pfeiffer, Batman Returns)

Fans will always debate whether the Julie Newmar or Michelle Pfeiffer incarnation
of Catwoman is the sexiest (unsurprisingly, there are few champions for the Halle
Berry incarnation), but we’re plumping for the Pfeiffer version. The actress imbued
the villain with an irresistible mischievousness, while few people are likely to
forget that PVC catsuit…

13) PRIS (Daryl Hannah, Blade Runner)

She can do ultra-quick cartwheels across apartments! She can pull boiling eggs out
of a saucepan with her bare hands! She can crush a man’s head with her thighs! Could this robot woman be any more sexy? No.

12) STORM (Halle Berry, X-Men)

The weather-controlling member of the X-Men was always one of the most popular
heroes of the Marvel comic book, and she got the movie incarnation she deserved
in the form of Halle Berry.
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