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Old 06-09-2009, 11:42 AM   #7
BigBrownKablooey is cavorting with glee
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11) CLAIRE BENNET (Hayden Panettiere, Heroes)

‘Claire Bear’ might look like your typical high school cheerleader, but, as we soon
find out, she possesses a very unusual skill - rapid cellular regeneration. In other
words it seems she can’t die, which is just as well, as she’s broken and burned in a
variety of ways across consecutive episodes.

10) LEELOO (Milla Jovovich, The Fifth Element)

The image of Leeloo, clad in white strips and boasting flame-red hair, hanging off
of a ledge above 23rd Century LA remains one of science fiction cinema’s most
arresting moments. Jovovich’s character holds the key to saving Earth no less,
and combines an alluring sense of mystery with an unbeatable sexiness.

9) NYOTA UHURA (Nichelle Nichols, Star Trek)

The Enterprise’s foremost female, communications officer Uhura, was also one of
television’s first major black characters, locking lips with Captain Kirk in
American TV’s first interracial kisses and emblematic of Gene Roddenberry’s overriding
message of racial harmony.
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