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Old 06-09-2009, 08:47 PM   #1
JFK should edit this
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Thumbs up XBIZ Summer FORUM VEGAS, The Pictures, from F.U.B.A.R.

You know, damned if you do , damned if you dont........For years people have complained that there were just way too many affiliate reps at the shows, not enough owners and top level decison makers.

Then you get a show, where the afformentioned people show up and low and behold some attendees are saying, where are all the people of past shows? Do you want QUALITY or Quantity ? Do you want to Party or there for business ?

The business has changed a great deal over the past couple of years, the party animals have fallen by the wayside, giving room for serious business people to network and make money.

We had a cabana, picked up new business and quite a few leads to follow up on. The people who were there to work, succeded at it. The Show was QUALITY, we will be there next year with bells on !!

Check out the pics,
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