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Old 06-12-2009, 11:52 AM   #1
BigBrownKablooey is cavorting with glee
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Thumbs up How affordable is AdultSiteCMS?

We here at AdultDigitalSolutions have been telling people how easy and affordable AdultSiteCMS is compared to other CMS. And somehow we begged the question how much. A lot of people have also been asking us how these packages cost.

After much considerable thought, we have decided to show the price packages to everyone:

AdultSiteCMS Version 1.18 (Single Site License) would cost you $249.95.

An Additional Site Licenses/Additonal Licenses of the AdultSiteCMS Program would be $49.00 each.

We have set the price tag of $449.00 for Unlimited Site License of AdultSiteCMS Version 1.18 applicable to Unlimited sites for a single server clients of AdultSiteCMS.

If you already have AdultSite CMS and would need Additional Licenses of the AdultSiteCMS Program, you buy $49.00 for each license.

AdultSiteCMS has all the features of Wordpress with the capability of many other commonly used Adult CMS systems. The software is inexpensive compared to other adult content management systems in the market. As it is SEO- and Flash Player- friendly, it supports many languages. The software can be fully customized with no extra fees through many available templates. There's no time limit in its use. Webmasters can control their content for very long periods of time. AdultSiteCMS works harmoniously with almost all billing software and can support multi-level administration. Webmasters can choose either link to an FTP server to upload content or not. It has auto date publishing and post-scheduling features up to the exact minute you want an entry posted. AdultSiteCMS also has batch uploading, auto thumbnailing ans watermarking features. Unlike Wordpress per se, the software has strong and carefully built security features that make hacking difficult. It even has room for news updates and feeder blogging management. AdultSiteCMS is the one that an adult webmaster can ever need to help him create that winning paysite.

Online demos have been posted in various adult webmaster massage boards to show the convenience of the software. Interested parties can view all the demos at http://www.AdultSiteCMS.com.

For more information, send queries at adultsitecms @ gmail.com or hit Adult Digital Solutions through ICQ: 433-857-869. Webmasters can signup to the AdultsiteCMS affiliate program using this link -
Word Press based Adult CMS, easy to use and affordable! AdultSiteCMS
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