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Old 06-15-2009, 03:19 PM   #8
student4ever is Trying to not let life get in the way of life
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oh dear lord... webkinz and club penguin... Thank goodness club penguin doesn't have critters to buy! LOL I would conservatively guess there are no less than 30 webkinz in the house between my two girls. They likely spend less time on the webkinz site than penguin, but the instant they get a new critter, article of critter clothing, etc... you can bet they are on the site registering them...

Social networking for kids... it's not all that bad, until of course, they get on the phone at the same time with a friend to try and find each other inside the website to play games together. Then they are tying up the phone AND the computer for far too long... although, I have to admit it's funny as heck to watch and listen to them when they are doing that. lol

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