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Old 06-16-2009, 02:01 AM   #19
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Default Ok here's my add-on/reconsider of the 25 serious sci-fi women of the 20th century:

Jenny Agutter:
American WereWolf In London
Logan's Run

Eartha Kitt was more memorable ultimately as Catwoman but Julie Newmar is still one of the hottest chicks to hit sci-fi/fantasy ever.

Elizabeth Montgomery in Bewitched. I know, but think about it...

Winona Ryder, from Beetlejuice to Edward Scissorhands to Alien Resurrection to the JJ Abrams Star Trek - she should be there.

Milla Jovovich, for Resident Evil and The Fifth Element, and her willingness to be in dreck that showed promise nonetheless...

Honorable mentions:

Drew Barrymore for ET!

Dee Wallace (Stone) for her consistent appearances in genre fare from The Howling to E.T....

Uma Thurman for Baron Munchausen, Gatacca and that Batman Movie...

Majel Barret, who played Nurse Chapel on Star Trek and was the woman behind the man who helped perpetuate it all (and was the computer voice in the movie series!).

Diana Muldaur who was in the original Star Trek and The Next Generation and The Incredible Hulk...

Mariette Hartley for her Incredible Hulk and Star Trek contributions (shit, she played the chick who wooed the unwooable characters in both those shows).

Radha Mitchell from Pitch Black and Silent Hill!

Kate Beckinshale from the Underworld movies!

Rebecca Romjiin Stamos in X-Men and the Rollerball remake!

Kirsten Dunst - Interview with the Vampire, Spiderman, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind...

Kristy Swanson - the original and much sexier Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

And lest we forget, Caroline Munro gave us Stella Starcrash...
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