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Old 06-18-2009, 08:43 AM   #9
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Ooooh, I have gone back and forth in this struggle for years myself!

I can't use the patches 'cos I am allergic to the adhesive (and having my flesh melt outside of Zombie Bioapocolypse is not so very much fun, after all), and the gum tastes like Satan's asshole.

Find a quit buddy to help keep you motivated, or if you can get hold of them, an e-cig. I've been using the e-cigs for a while and have cut dramatically back on my smoking (pack and a half a day for the last 20 years to approximately 3 ciggies a day).

I'm also keeping bottles of cold water handy to chug when I want to smoke, as well as easy exercise options (a resistance band at my desk, hooping for 5 minutes when I want to smoke, installed a pull up bar in my doorway, etc) that I go to when I would usually have a smoke and don't want to reinforce my puffing behaviours.
Liz: Sales Babe and General Nerd
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