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Old 01-04-2003, 03:15 PM   #5
asiangogo should edit this
Mr Mission Dollars
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: UK
Posts: 21
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Are you referring to an automatic gallery builder for affiliates?

OK I’ll try to be a little clearer, sorry about that.
What I’m looking for is a program that can build actual galleries for affiliates.

I want to be able to give them a variation of my templates and an option to use there own, so I can have an affiliate’s admin area and it will crank out galleries for him on the server.

Basically if there images resided on the server already there must be a program out there that can make the thumbnails and a html page for the affiliate to submit it to tgp’s, so I’m hosting a gallery that he just made with a program that’s on the server.

I’m sure that the some affiliate sites must have something like this already????
And if there is not a program out there to do this, does anyone know any good perl or C programmers?

<a href="http://missiondollars.com">
<img border="0" src="http://missiondollars.com/banner/md-120x60.gif" width="120" height="60"></a>
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