06-19-2009, 02:28 AM
is Sexy Goddess
Is Beautiful:)
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Originally Posted by Casa Nova
So far my "summer/spring" has been pretty good. Moved into a nice new house with a huge amount of land and a decent sized house. I've been spending my days riding the mower cutting the grass & I just recently set up a horseshoe pit. I actually just came in a few minutes ago from playing a horseshoe game.
Oh yeah I definitely can't forget about all the gardening I've been doing. I've planted a bunch of vegetables and such in the garden, and just about everything is growing nicely so far. We planted some strawberries, a grape vine (it's really shooting up!), raspberry bush, herbs, parsley, mint, green onions, tomatoes, cucumber, pumpkins, cantaloupe, peas and a whole load of other stuff. It's a good feeling to pick fresh veggies and fruits from your own garden and eat them on the patio or use them in a recipe for dinner!
Wow, i just clued into something.... I am enjoying cutting the grass, gardening and horseshoes... fuck I'm getting old!!
If your old then i am.... I love doing all that except i don't do horseshoes..... iv'e played though before.... glad your haveing a great summer/spring 