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Old 06-23-2009, 03:58 PM   #1
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Default I enrolled in a summer slimdown contest.

So last week my best friend called me and told me that a local gym was offering free 6 week memberships if you entered this weight loss contest. So we got four people together to form a team and entered. The person who gets the most points (there's a whole list of ways to get points) will win a new care and the team that wins gets a trip for four to Vegas.

As of yesterday it was a full week. I've been every day doing at least 1 hour of exercise both cardio and weight training. I'm feeling pretty good about the work I've done and I've lost 5 lbs.


I'm feeling discouraged because I feel like I should have lost more weight. Am I putting to much pressure on myself to lose it?

Does any one have any helpful hints on weight loss and exercise?

Man, quitting smoking wasn't this hard. LOL
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