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Old 06-23-2009, 05:39 PM   #2
student4ever is Trying to not let life get in the way of life
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couldn't care less about the show... never watched it and am more than tired of the media coverage... but, on the flip flopping with the kids...

it's something that is actually getting on the common side. Rather than displacing the kids and making them go to different places to stay with one parent, then the other, the kids get to stay put and only have to know one 'home'.

The people I've talked with don't consider it a long term solution, it's generally something that's done as a cost savings option and the parents 'share' a low cost apartment while they sort things out. I can't imagine them having to consider a cost savings option though... Maybe it's a matter of the logistics of carting 8 kids between houses?

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