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Old 06-24-2009, 03:42 PM   #1
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Default Georhino, image scripting for sale

Auction at: http://flippa.com/auctions/68962

Geo Rhino is a geo-targeting image script that can be used for virtually any image for the web. Based on the domain "GeoRhino.com", this script currently retails for $118.37. The script is set up to sell using ejunkie which handles payment and digital file delivery. You are buying the following items
We created this script for our own internal use and a few people asked to buy it, so we bundled it up with an install script and made a website to sell it. We have sold two of them with no marketing. We sold one for $497, then we lowered the price and sold 3 more for $118.37.
This script allows the developer to display any geo stat based on the surfers ip address. This can include the city, state, zip, closest college, or any other attribute that can be derived from the surfers ip. With a user-friendly interface, images can be created in minutes and used anywhere image url's are accepted.
The additional domains included in this package can be used for feeder sites to the main site or affiliate sites that can be resold to get more sales.
Currently there are very few tools on the market with the amount of capability this program has. This is a valuable tool to market to any affiliate to attract more customers and increase overall sales.
If needed we can install the script and site on your server and provide 3 hours of help and support with getting everything running.
Currently the only promotion being done on this site is through hotscripts.com. Within a week of getting our listing confirmed we got two sales. We recently listed this as a sponsored listing so it comes up first in the image manipulation category. This costs roughly $30 per month.

The site also needs to be marketed though sponsored search and some ground level blog or forum posts etc. This site is literally on autopilot.
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