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Old 06-24-2009, 05:59 PM   #1
Brad Mitchell
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Default MojoHost Internext Badge Giveaway and Datacenter Tour Sign-Up

MojoHost, the industry leader in hosting, is pleased to announce that it will be returning in full force to Hollywood, FL, August 7-9 for the Internext Expo tradeshow. This year it will continue its tradition by providing tours of its industry leading technology at the Terremark NAP of the Americas datacenter located in Miami, FL. This is a rare opportunity to see restricted areas of one of the world's most significant datacenters while also getting an inside look at MojoHost's infrastructre. Anyone who is interested in taking the tour will be transported from the Westin Diplomat Hotel to the datacenter and back, in style and with plenty of refreshments.

As an added bonus, anyone who signs up and takes the tour will be provided with a complimentary Internext badge, a $300.00 value. MojoHost is prepared for a high volume of guests but this incredible tour is subject to availability and the cut-off date for participation is Wednesday, July 22. This offer is open to ANYONE regardless of whether you are a past, present or future part of the MojoHost family. Passporte or government issued ID is absolutely required for tours, NO EXCEPTIONS will be made. For details and to sign up please contact Corey Silverstein directly by email cs@mojohost.com.

Come take the tour of this amazing facility and help celebrate my 10 year anniversary in the Biz. We look forward to seeing you all there!


Brad Mitchell
Owner, MojoHost | brad@mojohost.com
Toll Free 888-345-MOJO x801 | ICQ #56950199
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