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Old 07-08-2009, 01:03 PM   #9
student4ever is Trying to not let life get in the way of life
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Originally Posted by dyonisus View Post
is there not laws against an adult pretending to be a child and flirting with a child? Parents make things worse all the time.

My girls 11 yr old brother was playing basketball. He is on the school basketball team. In a tournament last winter, parents complained he was too tall too old (too good - he is a great shot) and had him ejected from the final game based on that. The kid left the court crying because how was he to understand he coudl not play the championship game because the other team thought he was 1 yr too old to play with the younger kids

apples and oranges I know but goes to show
no, I see the correlation and totally agree. I see it all the time with kids sports and other youth activities. Parents that only want to 'help' their own kids or 'defend' their kids. Be a friggn parent and be there for your kid, but NOT by teaching them destructive behavior!

I'm actually a little shocked that the league officials allowed the kid to be taken out of the line up. My son has always been VERY big for his age and been subject to those types of questions. Every league we've been involved with has kept enough records to keep the other parents quiet.

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