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Old 09-11-2002, 12:55 PM   #25
XxXotic should edit this
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Default Re: Re: Re: Show me your Ink and Steel... :)

Originally posted by PM5K

thanks man... that ones tite as fuck bro... I'm addicted now I tell ya... After 22 piercings, and running out of places to poke, I'm going for ink now.. lol!
thanks, that was my 25th birthday present to myself. The guy who did it in New Orleans (at AAArt) was supposedly doing a spread in tattoo magazine that month, had me sign a waiver and shit he wanted to use it for the spread (I brought him a drawing to do it from) I dunno if it ever went into the mag or not though (if anyone has any past issues from 2000 anytime after january take a look for me lol I'll buy the mag from ya)

I know the addiction well, I got my 1st when I was 18 (a mouse from italian TV named "squeaky") on my calf and I swear I went thru withdrawls, I went back to Eddies on 4th street in philly the very next day and got another on my shoulder.

My 1st piercing was my navel, after I got that done, it hurt like a MOFO too I almost passed out from it, I didnt want another for a while. 2 years later walking thru soho in nyc i just wandered into a piercing shop and got my nose done. didnt hurt at all, and i was addicted again

There are 2 things I'll never get pierced. Nipples and Genital area. I have a phobia of sharp metallic objects with penetration ability anywhere near my package.

Nipples, these just gross me out, women with pierced nipples are a complete turn off for me. Makes them look like doorknockers YUK breats are beautiful things no need to shove a 12 gauge spike thru it. I shudder to think about it. My ex had 1 of hers done (she had accidently removed the other one with a metal hanger before I met her) and I refused to touch her right boob. She eventually took it out, I think it got infected or something I don't remember much of our relationship, I've blocked most of it out

Definitely 100% Addicted though. I'm having a back piece drawn up, I was thinking a martian landscape type thing, with some saucers flying around since I have an alien on each arm. but I have my name in chinese graffiti down my spine at the top of my neck and need to figure out how to work that into.
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