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Thread: Your first car
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Old 09-11-2002, 01:05 PM   #1
Evil Chris
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Default Your first car

I'm curious to know...
What was the first car that you ever bought? Any funny stories about it?
Please post pictures if you have them...

Mine was a 1972 Plymouth Fury III. A huge car with 2 doors and one big sofa in the front and another in the back. AM radio only, but it did have AC.

I bought it in 1985, at a cost of $500 Canadian!

I don't have any pictures of it, but here's something close to what it looked like.


I remember making a 7 hour drive with it.... with NO OIL. As it was my first car, I didn't think to check things like oil levels before going on a long journey. It survived and kept going and going!

It had a 318 engine in it (8 cylinder) and a top speed of around 120 mph.

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