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Old 07-26-2009, 05:25 PM   #1
thruma is hard at work.(double meaning)
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Default Things I learned from Playboy 1978

Jeep Corporation used to be a subsiduary of American Moters Corporation

That Cher and Gene Simmons picture with a handkerchief over his face isn't nearly
as mysterious today as it was back then when I was a kid.

The Apple II had a monitor with TV dials on the right side of it. (at least the ad did)
Apple II $1195 (16k memory) sold at computerland

The new size Chrysler Le Baron:
25 MPG Highway
17 MPG City

Porsche 911SC $19,500
Porsche 928 $28,500
Porsche 924 $11,995

Back then they said things like "ugly mood" today we say "shitty mood" lol

In 1978 Tom Berenger was hollywoods new "golden boy"

Companies that must have approved of porn at that time since they gladly paid for advertising
in a porn magazine.
See companies above as well as these:
Fisher (Hi Fi Stereos)
Quasar (They had this cool combo AM/FM radio,digital clock radio,weather band,5" B&W TV Set)
Renault (Car company)
Lancia (Luxury car company)

OJ Simson did ad's for Dingo leather

And most importantly:
They showed pussy lips but no pink and sold it for money. Today we give pink away for free.
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